ORANG-UTAN// Indonesian: Orang = forest, Hutan = human.
96.5% of your DNA you share with the "forest humans".
They are #OneOfUs. DEAD APE //to wear a voice.
//to wear a voice.
DEAD APE wants to give animals a voice - making species protection fashionable is our mission.
The idea arises in spring 2021 from a topic that has been close to designer and founder Imme Vogel's heart since childhood: Protecting one of our closest relatives, the orangutan. Driven by the desire to make a lasting difference, many long nights, countless concepts and a clear vision evolve into DEAD APE - a brand inspired by diverse disciplines of design and architecture, rooted in the idea of giving a strong voice to those whose cries are suffocating between screeching chainsaws.
DEAD APE shares 10% of its proceeds with the Borneo Orang Utan Survival Germany e.V.
With every DEAD APE piece you donate directly to projects to save the orangutans!
Imme Vogel
I am Imme. Interior Architect, Designer & Founder of DEAD APE. My vision is to combine species conservation and design, with the goal that everyone who buys a DEAD APE piece can proudly participate in species conservation. When I was a kid, I wanted to be a veterinarian - now I want to save animals in my own unique way.
DEAD APE consistently pursues 1 goal: to give animals a voice. For this we want to create a sustainable awareness, in which species protection becomes fashionable and everyone carries his involvement proudly to the outside.
As part of the SLOW-FASHION movement we pay special attention to conscious production, sustainable design and longevity through extraordinary quality of the products. That is why we deliberately do not work with classic seasonal collections, whose planning is pushed by seasons, but either with individual product releases or with targeted campaigns, which are only released when the time is right. Always responsible, with people and the environment in mind.
Inspired by various disciplines from design and architecture, our creations are characterized by 5 principles:
Become #OneOfUs and feel what it means to wear a voice.
DEAD APE //to wear a voice.